Ainda não temos significados para "growing variety".
1A remarkably hardy, dwarf- growing variety, with very dark-green foliage.
2Quick Look is able to preview an ever- growing variety of file types using a plug-in technology.
3H. japonica arborea is a taller growing variety, with primrose-yellow petals, and a deep claret calyx.
4Spotlight is able to create indexes, and thus search, from an ever- growing variety of metadata using a plug-in technology.
5For all but the most premium film or sports content, there is a growing variety of quality online substitutes.
6The method, "principle-based reserving," is pegged to a growing variety of products that life insurance companies sell.
7And his behavior -and that of his government -is increasingly posing a serious challenge to Washington on an ever- growing variety of levels.
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