Ainda não temos significados para "grown smaller".
1Standardized times have grown increasingly important as the world has grown smaller.
2But as Jaz said, it had grown smaller over the years.
3He went in with the Garuly, who had also grown smaller.
4His face seemed to have shriveled or melted; his features had grown smaller.
5He seemed to have grown smaller and to have shrunk into his clothes.
6You seem to have shrunken since I saw you last-tohave grown smaller.
7For the moment the world had grown smaller, more intimate, as the skies expanded.
8Her hands and feet had grown smaller, her elbows rounder.
9The house had grown smaller with the passing years.
10In that time, Ramos says ABPW has grown smaller.
11I felt as though Sister Marie-Aimée had grown smaller.
12He did not look ill, only, in some unaccountable way, he seemed to have grown smaller.
13Kalle wore a new gray linsey-woolsey suit; he had grown smaller and more bent with the years.
14His world has grown smaller, and he is losing control, bit by bit, over his physical self.
15Only it was as if the ring of sea to windward had of a sudden grown smaller.
16Her dear little face had grown smaller, and seemed to have gone further back into her cap.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Grown smaller ao longo do tempo
Grown smaller nas variantes da língua