Ainda não temos significados para "guvnor".
1The guvnor is above; and he aint in the best o' tempers.
2I told him the guvnor warn't in, but you was there.
3Likely to get another crib, ain't I-withassaulted the guvnor on my reference.
4On these occasions I often met the guvnor, as the workmen called Mr. Maudslay.
5Paul Ince says he won't though and he's the guvnor.
6You can go in the guvnor's sitting-room, if you like.
7But I was at the guvnor hovers and hovers agin,buthallofnoyuse.
8He wanted to see the guvnor particklar, he said.
9Why the guvnor couldn't bear to let me shave.
10You see, I'm very fond of the old guvnor.'
11Cheero, guvnor and don't you get curious about Billy.
12His guvnor sent him on a job to Jones's place, an' they sent him back.
13That old Sangjang's a rum old guvnor.
14The guvnor hired us last night.
15I'll 'ave a drink with you, guvnor, he declared, with a note of incipient truculence in his tone.
16I tell you, guvnor, I've got a something that must come out, or I shall choke straight off.