A swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property.
Examples for "sting"
Examples for "sting"
1There is a simple way to test this: let something sting you.
2The disappointment was unavoidable; but the sting of it lies in yourself.
3Here's the good news, the risk of a sting is pretty low.
4Fear not that my aim is pleasure; this will sting soon enough.
5Within days, federal authorities launched a sting that culminated in Balkany's arrest.
1According to him, English players have long known how to con referees.
2According to the actress, Wilson used his children to further his con.
3You're spiritual con men, confidence tricksters offering false faith and false hope.
4Mr Lowry is con testing the Tipperary North election as an Independent.
5But no way was I falling for this guy's penny-pinching con job.
1But in the case of the Harrises, hustle is a family thing.
2The point is, this no longer looks like a fly-by-night hustle job.
3Bradshaws were in great evidence everywhere; all was hustle and glad animation.
4This is the City Hall Police Headquarters again; hustle it up, please.
5The Mavs' bench provided the hustle in the big 34-point second quarter.
1This is one of the greatest bunco games ever practiced upon workingmen.
2I won't combine it with being a bunco steerer on the side.
3Because of your gestures I believe you are trying to bunco this court.
4Five thousand for a claim on that damned moose-pasture is bunco.
5Let him bunco me into putting through that dam for him!
1Dr. Deacon gave us some flimflam about how good our boy was-weknew that.
2We joined up with that pair of flimflam artists and traveled south with them.
3Coolidge-veteranthief, flimflam man, and law clerk-wasthe self-appointed elder statesman of the group.
4The head of Hollywood Star Productions continued weaving his flimflam.
5The way I see it, this is all flimflam.
1There were no burglaries, gambling, picking of pockets, bunko swindling or handbook betting.
2The idea that children of queer parents do poorly in school is also bunko.
3While Benton was photographing Gibson and Hatch, John observed the bunko swindler more closely.
4He bosses everything, gambling, stick-ups, bookmakers, pickpockets, bunko men, street walking women and dope peddling.
5He had done time in seven states, always for theft or burglary or con games or bunko.
1They judged by the calibre of the men interested, and branded it a bunco game.
2Damn it, I'm sick of the bunco game, Bat-
3Then there were the fools who took the organized bunco game seriously, honoring and respecting it.
4Society, as organized, was a vast bunco game.
5I don't want to run any bunco game.
1Sometimes another form of confidence trick is adopted, which is invariably successful.
2No doubt they knew that his dizzying promotion was just a confidence trick.
3I realized, then, that I had fallen for a confidence trick.
4The queen's formal power is a kind of confidence trick in which almost everyone acquiesces.
5This is the confidence trick under another form.
1A more useful and abiding analogy is that of the confidence game.
2Banking is a confidence game, even if done soberly and responsibly.
3I'll be --if I will be taken in on any confidence game.
4That man has been wanted for a year for putting over a confidence game.
5The perceived need to play the confidence game supersedes the normal concerns of economic policy.
1This is a con game being played by the Democrats, Trump added.
2A hot-and-cold con game For some, the adore-ignore syndrome is a manipulative strategy.
3None o' that Christian con game goes around where I am.
4He would have died for a hollow farce, a ruse, a con game!
5Maybe Sergeant Wigg's con game is closer to the truth here than we think.'
1He'd gyp me for ten dollars, but he'd probably come for five.
2I asked of the gyp who waited on Vincey and myself.
3As I have said, he was a devil of a gyp.
4His card was brought in by my gyp, and it made me faint and sick.
5My father would say, 'No, it's a big gyp.
6Very well, we'll send the gyp for it in a minute, and order some luncheon.
7I repeat, he was a devil of a gyp.
8He hates to part with anything like money, and he'll gyp you if he can.
9Ask the gyp to tell you the way.
10Just one more gyp, that's what Rusty thought.
11He hesitated, and the "gyp," who felt that his reputation was at stake, spoke:
13The question seemed to Gyp idiotic; and suddenly she felt quite cool.
14Gyp walked across the room and put her hand on the bell.
15Gyp stretched her hand across the table and laid it on his.
16Gyp stood trembling-theaction had not stirred her sense of the ridiculous.