Ainda não temos significados para "had sisters".
1They had sisters and brothers and certain childhood toys that remained unforgotten.
2He had sisters and pets, and once lived in the country.
3His friend Mr. Owen had sisters; he might find them attractive.
4Neither Wendy nor Amy had sisters, but they found one in each other.
5He must have been very different once; perhaps had sisters.
6Warren had sisters and brothers who started on this trip.
7Some of them had sisters, who declared Miss Ludlow charming.
8If you'd had sisters," grunted the ungallant Dick, "you wouldn't ask that.
9If Maura had sisters in a herd, they would be telling her what to do.
10Any one would suppose Mr. Noel had sisters.
11I sympathized actually; I had sisters myself.
12Sister Barsett has often deplored their actions in my hearing an' wished she had sisters like other folks.
13She had sisters Adeline and Eveleen, and brothers Osric and William, and she had a cousin a prizefighter.
14His wife had sisters at Nidau, who by turns came to see her, and were company for Theresa.
15Jack had sisters of his own.
16He had sisters and brothers and parents, but they dwelt in a little tumble-down shack and were wretchedly poor.
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