Ainda não temos significados para "half growl".
1Again with a half growl, Dunwody threw down his cards, face upward.
2He uttered a queer half growl, half whine, which gave me a chill.
3A strange, guttural noise-halfmoan, half growl-causedAngela to turn.
4There was a sudden movement, a half growl, then silence.
5He made one of those cat sounds that are half hiss, half growl, and all loathing.
6From close beside them came the half grunt and half growl of the great cave bear!
7A half sob, half growl emerged from the back of her throat, and she turned and ran.
8The word came out half snort, half growl-hardlythe tone becoming one whose triumph was so exultingly fresh.
9I managed to half growl, "Thank you."
10The man's head snapped back, but he laughed- agrim ,sardoniclaugh that ended in a half growl, like a wild beast enraged.
11Flame got up, wagged his tail, and came over slowly to the rug, uttering a low sound that was half growl, half whine.
12The wolfhound made a sound that was half purr and half growl, not as if warning of danger, but as if something puzzled him.
13Suddenly upon the air there came a half growl and half howl, and, looking up, he saw a pair of fiery eyes flashing upon him.
14Half muttering, half growling like a cat, a woman's voice called, "Chri-i-ist is ri-i-isen!"
15"Oh, I'm a sky-blue idiot," he half growled and left her abruptly.
16With a low, stressful sound-halfgrowl and half howl-Andyyanks the closet door wide, setting off a chatter of hangers.
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