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Significados de halt economic em inglês
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Uso de halt economic em inglês
They have increased attacks on railways, power and telecommunication networks to halteconomic development, officials say.
The rebels have increased attacks on railways, power and telecommunication networks to halteconomic development, Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said.
A pandemic will likely slow or halteconomic growth in Asia and lead to a significant reduction in trade, particularly of services.
It has also damaged the image of pro-Europe leaders who have done little to halteconomic mismanagement or shake off graft accusations.
Equities globally had drawn some comfort in the past few sessions from plans to gradually ease coronavirus-induced restrictions, which have haltedeconomic activity.
Those questions will multiply as Obama's Democrats gird for Nov. 2 congressional elections facing voters already angry over high unemployment and haltingeconomic recovery.