Examples for "erection"
Examples for "erection"
1The difficulties of one did not deter the erection of the next.
2Mr Fritz says he hasn't had an erection since handling the money.
3The erection of the sageer is the first step necessary to cultivation.
4Every July and January its erection was celebrated in the imperial republic.
5Here he had been engaged in the erection of a new Church.
1Here the phallus was carried in procession as the emblem of Hermes.
2Doubtless for ages Adam represented the god-man-phallus-Tree of Life, or cross idea.
3Adam is the phallus, and Eve represents the male and female conjoined.
4Had Gamut Street fallen and a steel phallus risen in its place?
5All that remained was a torso, legs, and a protruding stone phallus.
1Doesn't affect me-I'vehad a boner since we got back in the tent.
2This goes beyond the search for the ultimate boner, doesn't it?
3You should tell them you have a boner, and you can't do gym.
4Her gaze faltered then focused, first on me, then on my sheet-tenting boner.
5I had a big boner and she waved me over with her hand.
1When I was little, she called that a stiffy.
2You don't want to look like his mother-hehas enough problems getting a stiffy as it is.
3I wanted her so badly I thought maybe the stiff (as opposed to my stiffy) could wait.
4LATELY, I'VE BEEN spending a lot of time rolling on the ground with men who think a stiffy represents personal growth.
5I've never known a stiff who could get a stiffy. She paused, and he was glad he couldn't see her face in the dark.
1Nobody ever lost money delivering a board-certified hard-on to the American public.
2That was just his way, Peter was all right for a hard-on.
3And he'd say, sure, you want me to get a hard-on first?
4Here it is, immaculate music and a hard-on in the new light.
5Why don't you just admit you have a hard-on for that guy?
6The old biddy nearly stroked out because the schnauzer had a hard-on.
7His hard-on pressed into my wet flesh, and I twitched there, eager.
8The other problem was that he had trouble getting a hard-on.
9I don't need to tell you that I get a hard-on right away.
10And yet just the sight of her aroused him, strengthening his morning hard-on.
11It appears someone in Washington has a real hard-on for you this week.