Ainda não temos significados para "have earthquake".
1By some estimates, only 14 percent of property owners in the country have earthquake insurance.
2Nearest N.Y. known to have earthquake in 1737.
3Some estimates suggest as few as 14 percent of property owners in the country have earthquake insurance.
4It is going to have earthquake rating that is of a superior standard, its longevity is guaranteed.
5There are 13 central Masterton properties on the register, and 28 Carterton buildings have earthquake-prone notices up, with a deadline looming.
6When the strata snap asunder under the strain, we have earthquakes.
7It is like telling investors to quit the Japanese market because it has earthquakes.
8That's what my sister Doris said she always did at Long Beach when they had earthquakes.
9You may have earthquakes without volcanos, now and then; but volcanos without earthquakes, seldom or never.
10Indonesia is situated on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, which frequently has earthquakes and sometimes accompanying tsunamis.
11Don't they have earthquakes out there?
12Approximately 44% of participants had earthquake-PTSD symptoms and 50% experienced HIV stigma.
13The Greek islands had earthquakes.
14And since we don't have earthquakes, this is probably the safest environment in the world to build a skyscraper.
15Staying at daughters & had earthquake of 6.4.
16"I thought they never had earthquakes in Alaska any more!"
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