Ainda não temos significados para "have the consciousness".
1If you have the consciousness of genius, do something to show it.
2I cling to life, and I have the consciousness of duty.
3If it prove so, we shall have the consciousness of having done right.
4I have the consciousness of knowing that I did my best.'
5If death is oblivion, it won't matter because I won't have the consciousness to know.
6Still, you have the consciousness of innocence.
7Is it not that in our own group we may have the consciousness of the presence of God?
8I can remember nothing distinctly, and yet I have the consciousness that I never struck him a blow.
9It was reward enough for him to have the consciousness of virtue, and enjoy the gratitude of his countrymen.
10It is something to have the consciousness that you are adding your modicum of knowledge to the world's store.
11Nothing that happens can overwhelm this happy family, for they have the consciousness of God's love and care in all.
12I have the consciousness that I do not love him, and that he has always known it-andthat makes me remorseful.
13And you would always afterwards have the consciousness of having changed the last months of a man's career from hell to heaven.
14For though we are not blue and green, muddy and swollen corpses, on the other hand we have the consciousness of the climax.
15It would have been quite enough, for instance, to have the consciousness by which all so-called direct persons and men of action live.
16Sophy, it is better far to wear false jewels on the brow, and to have the consciousness of a good deed within the breast!
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