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Significados de having a tendency em inglês
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Uso de having a tendency em inglês
An alpine shrub from Austria; dwarf, evergreen, and havingatendency to creep.
Producing or havingatendency to produce myths.
Like the repast, the conversation was mild, and free from every thing havingatendency to do harm.
He was about twenty-one years of age, with sensitive features, and brown hair havingatendency to waviness.
That anything havingatendency prematurely to awaken the sexual instinct should be rigorously avoided, goes without saying.
Various treaties were formed with countries of minor power, all havingatendency to preserve peace and promote commerce.
Prohibitions, again, they consider, if made without an allowance of exceptions, as havingatendency to break the spirit of youth.
Any possible effect of insurance may have been dampened by older patients already havingatendency to have poorer outcomes after surgery.
The modern family is without discipline, all of the elements in the home havingatendency to wander from the hearth center.
His difficulty was to disconnect the past from the present, the two havingatendency to mix themselves up in his mind.
It is well not to have more than two layers, on account of the weight havingatendency to crush the lower layer.
Exercises beneficial to one constitution are prejudicial to another, and would, perhaps, develop a part of the body already havingatendency to exaggeration.
This eminence, which I distinguished as Mount Stavely, consisted apparently of decomposed clay-stone or felspar, havingatendency to divide naturally into regular prisms.
In 1898 steel studs were introduced instead of cast iron ones, the latter havingatendency to work loose, but the practice is not universal.
I combat it as havingatendency to dehumanize the negro, to take away from him the right of ever striving to be a man.