Growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being.
Examples for "mane"
Examples for "mane"
1She simply clung to the horse's mane and let the animal run.
2The two Cape lions differ principally in the colour of the mane.
3Her long, luxurious mane requires sass and a serious bundle of extensions.
4Despite her grip on the mane, she almost slid off several times.
5The puma is in build like the lion, but has no mane.
1Methinks I have seen that head of hair before, said Henry Carroll.
2After a while a man with a woolly head of hair said-
3One of the men actually grew back a full head of hair.
4Down the street, he'd then glimpsed a heart-wrenching head of hair approaching.
5The black head of hair lifted from the pillow to listen the better.
6Pennington took off his cap and disclosed an uncommonly thick head of hair.
7He cannot nourish both a passion and a head of hair.
8There is nothing I admire so much as a beautiful head of hair.
9His head of hair, which the glossy black wig had covered, was gray-white.
10Catlin's picture shows him with a very heavy head of hair.
11She has a superb head of hair and such fire in her looks!
12I don't think I've ever seen such another head of hair.
13This is another example I've got that has a full head of hair.
14Fiona Gartland searches in vain for a natural head of hair in transition.
15And a curly head of hair like a ball of gold!
16Why, I went in there with a fine head of hair.
Translations for head of hair