A content word that can be qualified by a modifier.
(Grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent.
Examples for "head"
Examples for "head"
1Forget the politicians going head-to-head on Morning Ireland or The Last Word.
2He choked; the blood beat in his head; he was at bursting-point.
3The problem is that animation is far more expensive than talking-head interviews.
4However, one issue raised its head just days into his presidency: Marikana.
5In red ink across the head of the paper were the words:
1As these thoughts and feelings swept disjointedly through his busy head word was sent out to him that he might see the district-attorney.
2And he ketched me grinning over his shoulder when I read them heading words after that old lunkhead of a Prophet passed him the paper.
Translations for head word