Ainda não temos significados para "heartening sight".
1It was carefully scrambled before transmission, but it was a heartening sight.
2With all that had been going on-said and left unsaid-it was a heartening sight.
3She was a fine heartening sight coming in.
4It lies there in that pile, M'sieu, and makes for wealth,-butto me it is no heartening sight.
5Is it not a heartening sight?
6The nursery, when they step inside it, is quite a heartening sight, at least by contrast with Sophie's bedroom.
7Inside, there is a fire in a wood-burning stove and waiting logs, stacked neatly behind glass, are a heartening sight.
8Finally there was the heartening sight of the Revs' Kevin Alston, sidelined by leukemia treatment but there to support his team-mates.
9In the shallows, they find a heartening sight: a spectacular community of spiny black, red, and green sea urchins, robust grazers of algae.
10There was also the heartening sight of captain Brian Dooher returning for 10 minutes of action and kicking a fine point in the process.
11But there was another message yesterday in the heartening sight of tens of thousands of men, women and children out in the early spring sunshine.
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