Indeed, every hereditaryoffice had, besides its actual holder, its Tanist, with right of succession.
There are three classes of persons who stand between the people and Lumawig, and to-day all hold an hereditaryoffice.
Besides this they had, and still have, special historians in these nations, an hereditaryoffice descending from father to son.
He was one of the Toske tribe, and his ancestors had for some time held the hereditaryoffice of bey of Tepeleni.
A king was to be in England, for the future, a respected and honored chief magistrate appointed for life and to hereditaryoffice.
The old prince was entitled by an hereditaryoffice to a place in the great procession of the day, and was not now with them.
A government calling itself free, with an hereditaryoffice, is like a thorn in the flesh, that produces a fermentation which endeavours to discharge it.
"That I may be yours is the only part of my father's hereditaryoffice I covet!"
The villages are of immemorial antiquity; their names, their traditions, their hereditaryoffices have come down out of the dim past through countless generations.