The name is written differently in the cuneiform texts from that of the Ethiopians, the Kash of the hieroglyphicinscriptions.
The room is small, but contains beautifully fluted walls, resembling basaltic columns; and natural marks of erosion that resemble hieroglyphicinscriptions.
Myths about the place were common, most generated by the presence of a Pagan tombstone, six feet high, with hieroglyphicinscriptions.
It must be remembered that we still possess well-executed hieroglyphicinscriptions dating from the time of Decius, 250 years after Christ.
The bulk of its waters keep to the east, and constitutes the true Nile, the "Great River" of the hieroglyphicinscriptions.
The bulk of its waters keeps to the east, and constitutes the true Nile, the "Great River" of the hieroglyphicinscriptions.
On side pillars images of the gods were cut out also in five rows, one above the other, while below were hieroglyphicinscriptions.
Antiquities minister Mohammed Ibrahim said in a statement that the ante-chamber to the tomb of the princess includes four limestone columns and hieroglyphicinscriptions.
That land of wonders, Egypt, abounds in hieroglyphicinscriptions, going back, as is agreed by modern scholars, to the year 2000 before the Christian era.
Hieroglyphicinscriptions as far back as 1684 B.C.
Hieroglyphicinscriptions were everywhere, and I was afraid that if I concentrated too hard, I might be able to read them.