Landmark of historical nature.
1There are about 30 signs posted along the route describing historical landmarks.
2Von Boddien highlighted the importance of historical landmarks in creating a sense of identity.
3On social media, thousands of players are posting images of Pokemon creatures dwelling in random locations and historical landmarks.
4Heritage advocates fear Government plans for dealing with buildings after natural disasters will result in historical landmarks being lost forever.
5In the US, docents can be found at many institutions, including local and national museums, zoos, historical landmarks, and parks.
6The growth of the Roman Catholic Church in America has been so recent that it can show but few historical landmarks.
7Then there are the historical landmarks: Byamee's tracks in stone, and so on, and the battle-fields, too, of old tribal fights.
8More than two dozen coastal communities in England are to receive regeneration funding to preserve historical landmarks and help boost local economies.
9The Johannesburg City Sightseeing bus stops at historical landmarks and museums throughout the city where you can hop off and explore at your leisure.
10He had been there once before, when he was newly arrived from Ireland and taking in the local historical landmarks, including, of course, the Alamo.
11A plan to build over 450 houses in the vicinity of one of Ireland's more unusual historical landmarks has been lodged with Kildare County Council.
12The ninth and twelfth stand as historical landmarks in Quincy, on the old Plymouth Road, and bear the dates 1720 and 1727.
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