A sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared.
1For my money, hogget is a nice alternative to young lamb.
2A hogget is a lamb that is older than a year.
3And I believe hogget and mutton are much tastier than lamb.
4I reckon hogget and mutton are classic victims of bad PR.
5Lambing is in full swing and most hogget shearing is done.
6Hill country farmers have mostly finished docking and are moving into docking hogget's lambs.
7This is a beef pie, but just as nice made with mutton, hogget or even goat.
8There's a bit of hogget shearing going on.
9Most lamb bought coming up to the new season of spring lamb will in fact be hogget.
10It seems to be a growing trend that all mutton, and hogget for that matter, is labelled as lamb.
11Most hogget shearing's done and dusted but people are still waiting to put in summer cereals and fodder beet crops.
12The roast hogget here was a hefty dish, served with an enormous amount of thyme in the sauce, and glazed root vegetables.
13His hogget's have scanned at 100 percent - a pretty good result he reckons, considering how challenging the conditions were earlier this year.
14While you might be dreaming of a roast leg of hogget, you could also be very well pleased with these super-hearty veggie suppers.
15The fine sunny week was fantastic for hogget lambing and for allowing early main shearing of ewes with lambs at foot to get underway.
16Lamb is generally younger than one year old, while hogget is aged more than one year and mutton is aged more than two years.