Ainda não temos significados para "holy enthusiasm".
1A holy enthusiasm seemed now to exalt him above ordinary humanity.
2Look to Xenophanes, wandering over Sicily in the holy enthusiasm of a rhapsodist of truth.
3He was exalted with a silent, holy enthusiasm.
4In the strain Julia recollected the midnight hymn to the virgin, and holy enthusiasm filled her heart.
5Young Sarah Hall caught the holy enthusiasm.
6David caught the holy enthusiasm; he seized the idea like a visible hand of God for his help.
7The leading Covenanters were endowed with wisdom and courage to direct the holy enthusiasm into the right channel.
8Formerly shouts and praises were heard; now such demostrations of holy enthusiasm and joy are regarded as fanaticism.
9They had unbounded confidence in the cause for which they adventured their lives; a holy enthusiasm knit them together.
10His eyes shone with a holy enthusiasm as the splendour of the Alps stirred to the depths his responsive nature.
11Thousands of loving and devoted mothers have given their sons to their country in the same holy enthusiasm that inspired her.
12Every hour's delay imperils the sacred cause, chills the holy enthusiasm; action, prompt, energetic, resolute action, is what the crisis calls for.
13But Madeleine carried the day, fired as she was by that holy enthusiasm of sacrifice which is the sustaining element of martyrs.
14They seem to be the outgushings of a soul stirred up with holy enthusiasm and flowing out in channels of its own formation.
15Then beholding her cheerful, courageous and inspired with the holy enthusiasm of the martyrs, he added: I am glad to die with you.
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