Organization, usually military in nature, appointed to receive or guard a head of state or other dignitary, the fallen in war, or to attend at state ceremonies, especially funerals.
Veja mais 1 They carried a small retinue of soldiers-onlysix thousand-asmy honor guard .
2 Set it up at Gold and Etting with a police honor guard .
3 At the end, an honor guard of officers marched the coffin out.
4 Her mother had refused the shell casings offered by the honor guard .
5 Geary followed, wondering if the honor guard would also come along.
6 The honor guard had drawn off a short distance and donned silver hoods.
7 An honor guard of twelve Dargonesti in silver robes met them.
8 On a Kabul parade ground the Taliban mustered an honor guard bearing swords.
9 An honor guard of forty warriors was drawn up in the street outside.
10 They watched as the military honor guard slowly removed the flag from Jack's casket.
11 The two ranks of soldiers were once again drawn up as an honor guard .
12 The members of the honor guard remained silent as statues.
13 The honor guard drew their energy pikes, the ends shimmering with contained blue plasma.
14 There had been an honor guard of five, hastily assembled at dawn in Seresh.
15 An honor guard flanked the casket at the funeral parlor.
16 The honor guard re-formed its ranks and saluted the newlyweds, slapping their rifles smartly.
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