Ainda não temos significados para "honour friend".
1That message give him, Nikesippos, when thou comest unto my honoured friend.
2She was clearly no mere paid dependent but an honoured friend.
3Here am I, my honoured friend, returned safe from the capital.
4Be ye as if all men were your close kin and honoured friends.
5But I repeat, my honoured friend, I have got into an enchanted circle.
6You are after all not entirely wrong, my honoured friend.
7God preserve my dear uncle, and all my honoured friends!
8This is the second day, my honoured friend, that I have been on my farm.
9My dear honoured friend,-Yours ,datedEdinburgh, which I have just read, makes me very unhappy.
10I swear by God, O esteemed and honoured friend!
11The subject is Liberty: you know, my honoured friend, how dear the theme is to me.
12I personally mourn our old and honoured friend.
13To My Noble & honoured Friend Sir Robert Holt of Afton, in the County of Warwick, Baronet.
14This labour will be welcome, honoured Friend!
15The moment he writes, simply and tenderly, from his own harrowed heart, he becomes a dear and honoured friend.
16Esquire, My most honoured Friend