Any of several crested Old World birds with a slender downward-curved bill.
Examples for "hoopoo"
Examples for "hoopoo"
1At her approach a hoopoo rose and flew away above the trees.
1The hoopoe had flown out through the hall to the open air.
2On one occasion the hoopoe (39) was missed from among the birds.
3The hoopoe resembles the peacock inasmuch as both have crests.
4From the branch of a near tree the hoopoe startled him and made him color.
5Meanwhile the hoopoe, with a triumphant note, flew off towards the house to tell the news.
6So Procne became the nightingale, and Philomela the swallow, while Tereus was changed into a hoopoe.
7Gnulemah glanced down at the hoopoe, who forthwith warbled aloud and fluttered up to her shoulder.
8A hoopoe took deck, or rather rigging, passage for a while, and evoked the greatest interest.
9Birds, however, abound, and we noticed the common sparrow, hoopoe, water-wagtail, skylark, osprey, and several egrets.
10Inside, gasping and exhausted, a great, hard seal of blood on its wing, was a hoopoe.
11Tereus became an Epops (hoopoe), Procné a swallow, Philomela a nightingale, and Itys a goldfinch.
12Now here was a live hoopoe in my hands or, to be more exact, a half-dead one.
13The hoopoe responded encouragingly, the tree cracked, and Balder felt with dismay that it was tottering beneath him.
14Then the hoopoe alighted near her.
15The hoopoe's speech pleased the king.
16Somewhere above a hoopoe was calling.