They shot at a car and housetrailer but there were no injuries.
I only talked to Ferris's sister-in-law, at her housetrailer.
The new housetrailer would have no bad vibrations and they could travel wherever they wanted, if necessary.
She, too, had felt "something," an unseen presence in her housetrailer next to Rita Atlanta's.
Big as a housetrailer, painted a metallic bronze with a desert landscape lighting up one side, it occupied the whole driveway.
The tract also has a housetrailer, metal shed, parking and good road access from the main highway (Chandler Mountain Road).
I went to school until Halloween or whenever it got cold, then we got in our housetrailer, usually on a moment's notice.
A view of a tornado-damaged local neighborhood housetrailer that was flipped off its foundation in the southern area of Wichita, Kansas April 15, 2012.
The command center was housed nearby in a couple of housetrailers surrounded by a cattle fence and powered by a gasoline generator.