In addition, reliable molecular markers that reflect normal humantrophoblast are needed to advance trophoblast research.
In the present study, we further investigated the intracellular signaling pathway responsible for the improvements in CsA-induced invasiveness of humantrophoblast cells.
The down-regulation of sFLT1 by choline treatment was confirmed in a humantrophoblast cell culture model and may be related to enhanced acetylcholine signaling.
These results suggest that naive hESCs can differentiate to extra-embryonic lineage and demonstrate a new way of modeling humantrophoblast specification and placental methylome establishment.
This study was conducted to explore the role of Notch-1 in the cell migration and invasion of a humantrophoblast cell line, JEG3 cells.
Conclusion: Our findings indicate that medium conditioned by primary humantrophoblasts attenuates viral infection in nontrophoblastic cells.
Study design: Isolated primary term humantrophoblasts were cultured for 48-72 hours.
Objective: Primary humantrophoblasts were previously shown to be resistant to viral infection, and able to confer this resistance to nontrophoblast cells.