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Significados de hung with garlands em inglês
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Uso de hung with garlands em inglês
The entrance was hungwithgarlands, votive offerings from the poorer pilgrims.
The door of the bridegroom's house was hungwithgarlands of flowers.
The weather was cold, but the streets were thronged with people and hungwithgarlands.
The pillars were hungwithgarlands, and within and without there were torches of cedar.
Now are the walls of heaven built four-square, and to-day was the roof-beam hungwithgarlands.
When they entered the wood he perceived something black between the red stems which was hungwithgarlands.
In the centre was borne a stately shrine, hungwithgarlands, and containing an image of St. Agatha.
A hall adorned as for a festival; the columns are hungwithgarlands; behind the scene flutes and hautboys.
The streets were hungwithgarlands, gay tapestries and banners, strewn with fresh boughs, and lined with people in festival array.
The house was hungwithgarlands, the laborers were all ranged in order before the door, and received him with loud acclamations.
The house ought to have been illuminated and hungwithgarlands for my arrival, and a crowd of slaves waiting to kiss my hands.
Sometimes the caracara extended its scarlet blossoms from branch to branch, and gave the tree the appearance as though it had been hungwithgarlands.
There is merry-making in Cripple Corner, the chimneys smoke, the patriarchal dining-hall is hungwithgarlands, and Mrs. Goldstraw, the respected housekeeper, is very busy.