Ainda não temos significados para "hurtle away".
1She flapped madly, hurtling away from Rugassa as fast as possible.
2He dared not fire on the van as it hurtled away.
3Speeding, the atoms of my body hurtling away from each other.
4The Norwegian landscape hurtles away towards the sharpest vanishing point.
5Then it pivoted and hurtled away, back into the snow.
6Hurtles away, the soil spraying up behind her.
7Another object hurtled away toward the stars.
8It hurtled away, wings thrashing to gain altitude, and the faerie moon shone down in lunatic glee.
9Galaxies are also hurtling away from each other faster than the forces we know about suggest they should.
10Because the expansion of the universe is accelerating, ancient galaxies are hurtling away from us at enormous speed.
11She cried out in horror, the locus ripping free from her, a shadow hurtling away like a comet.
12The stranger hurtled away from Paul.
13The man hurtled away from her, slamming his back against the edge of one of the cubicle walls.
14The block of wood hurtled away into the trees sending the man's arms down onto the spikes, quite hard.
15The Doomhammer split into several chunks, each piece hurtling away as if it had been fired from a gun.
16The sudden combined driving force of all the rockets within the cave had sent it hurtling away like a rocket itself.