Examples for "hurt"
Examples for "hurt"
1However, economic pressures continue to hurt Mongolia ahead of June presidential elections.
2This year, however, market tumult has hurt Paulson along with many others.
3However, concerns about slowing global growth could continue to hurt commodities prices.
4The political crisis has hurt business confidence and halted much government spending.
5But he said extraction technology should not hurt health or the environment.
1So they ate their huckleberry-pie, and then Mr. Thimblefinger told the story.
2They prefer albumen and starch and nitrogen to huckleberry pie and doughnuts.
3There was one small huckleberry plant to which I had a particular attachment.
4Ida said look at the variety she's got, cherry, huckleberry, strawberry-
5I'll be as mum as a clam climbing a huckleberry bush.
1In England it may be known as the whinberry or wimberry and hurts becomes urts.
2Some one cried, "Hot stuff, boys-let'em 'ave it where it 'urts most!"
3It 'urts so bad, it does.
4She putts 'er 'and over 'er 'eart: 'It 'urts me,' she says; 'but 'twill sune be better,' she says.
1In England it may be known as the whinberry or wimberry and hurts becomes urts.
2Hazel was picking wimberry-flowers from their stalks.
3On the far outer reaches of the Peak District, Wimberry Rocks stand menacingly above the Dovestone Reservoir.
4His new route at Wimberry looks hardcore.
1But the tea and the bread and butter and the whort jam were like no food on earth.
2There are even other names for this tiny, delicate plant and fruit: whortleberry, shortened in southern counties to Whort Sunday or even Hurt Sunday.
3"Whort price thet brikewater?"
1In England it may be known as the whinberry or wimberry and hurts becomes urts.
2A scent of whinberries made her little nostrils dilate with expectation.
3When you can't get eggs you have blackberries and whinberries.
4Walked up the mountain, saw great quantities of whinberries; a delightful stream of water near the summit.
5After much trouble about beds we had tea with old bread, butter, plenty of sweets, also whinberries, etc.
1Vaccinium myrtillus, whortle, or bleaberries, -on the dry hillocks of Wolmer-forest.
1You may have already been picking and enjoying that most delicious of wild fruits - the bilberry or blaeberry or fraughan.
1Cautiously he tasted the big blue whortleberries that grew on high bushes; near water, and found them delicious.
1Other names for the fruit are Blueberry, Bulberry, Hurtleberry, and Huckleberry.
Translations for hurtleberry