Examples for "sulfide"
Examples for "sulfide"
1The physiological role of hydrogen sulfide depends on its in vivo level.
2Being cruciferous vegetables, the green globes release hydrogen sulfide as they cook.
3One of these gases, hydrogen sulfide, can depress the sense of smell.
4However, hydrogen sulfide regulation and its beneficial effects via methionine restriction remain elusive.
5Phosphogypsum addition resulted in a large increase in sulfide levels in sediment suspensions.
1Otherwise, the production level of H2S and VEGF were also significantly increased.
2However, the effects of H2S on cancer are controversial and remain unclear.
3Moreover, the exogenous donation of H2S produced similar cellular protective effects to CCT.
4In conclusion, CSE-derived H2S is involved in the maintenance of portal venous pressure.
5In addition, we also examined whether there is cross talk between H2S and NO.
1The physiological role of hydrogen sulfide depends on its in vivo level.
2Being cruciferous vegetables, the green globes release hydrogen sulfide as they cook.
3One of these gases, hydrogen sulfide, can depress the sense of smell.
4However, hydrogen sulfide regulation and its beneficial effects via methionine restriction remain elusive.
5However, the content of hydrogen sulfide can be lowered only partially.
1Pieridae is also buying three sour gas plants.
2Chevron is an experienced sour gas developer, and has partnered with PetroChina to develop gas in Australia.
3Gas pumped from the Sichuan basin, both conventional and unconventional, is mostly sour gas that contains H2S.
4The plant mentioned in the new letter processes sour gas so it can be sold to the public.
5It has trebled output since 1999, overcoming technical challenges such as high reservoir pressures and very sour gas.
1If there is gas, dive into the water; sewer gas rises, remember.
2But we've sampled the air down there and it's not just sewer gas.
3The smell of sewer gas was suddenly stronger, almost dizzying.
4The parents noted it, and wondered if there could be sewer gas in the apartments.
5No one of these gases, however, is capable of producing the diseases attributed to sewer gas.
1The solution thus obtained was properly diluted and saturated with hydrogen sulphide.
2In particular, we are certain they did not contain hydrogen sulphide.
3They spew out noxious hydrogen sulphide gas, and the water contains little oxygen.
4The environment around a hydrothermal vent is rich in hydrogen sulphide.
5The natural gas contains a high level of hydrogen sulphide.
6Some of them could also generate the killer gas hydrogen sulphide in certain conditions.
7Boyle created an ionized bacterium that actually secreted hydrogen sulphide.
8The decomposition of proteids gives rise, among other things, to hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
9They feed on hydrogen sulphide in oxygen-starved waters in a band off Peru and Chile.
10It's also high-pressure and rich in combustible hydrogen sulphide.
11Executives of the company lined up to specifically deny that the waste contained any hydrogen sulphide.
12He said hydrogen sulphide is particularly injurious and occurs in geothermal areas and also in sewage works.
13Remove the sheet, wash it carefully with hydrogen sulphide water and place it in a small beaker.
14Natural oil deposits and volcanic activity in the area mean that the water is enriched with hydrogen sulphide.
15The leaflet highlights the danger of gases such as hydrogen sulphide, which are released when slurry is agitated.
16However, that attempt was aborted, and a second plan was then hatched to create a toxic hydrogen sulphide bomb.
Translations for hydrogen sulphide