Ainda não temos significados para "idled with".
1Bray still idled with his pile of letters, while the colonel regarded him gravely.
2For a time Hagar did not stir, but idled with his pencil and notebook.
3The mechanics had tuned up the car so it idled with a low, thrumming purr.
4She idled with a book in her lap.
5The big motor idled with a deep whisper.
6Sometimes I have idled with wearers of silk and gauze, but my fancy was never once detained.
7Six other cars idled with me.
8Ricardo had reason to remember those questions during the next few days, though he only idled with them now.
10Herbeck idled with his quill.
11She had idled with the paddle so far, but now lifted her eyes and drew back the blade for a long stroke.
12He pulled a wide circle on the packed sand and stopped and idled with the whole town laid out north of him.
13A few years ago Professor Putnam found, in the State of Ohio, some old wells idled with cinders and rubbish of all kinds.
14"Drowned lung," that is to say natural passages idled with pus and secretions, rapidly forms.
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Idled with ao longo do tempo