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Significados de ill-conditioned man em inglês
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Uso de ill-conditioned man em inglês
An ill-conditionedman is a man of an in-bred, cherished, and confirmed ill-nature.
The driver was not a ill-conditionedman; he put the case of his property indulgently, with a persuasive smile.
But Avellaneda chose to write a preface to it, full of such coarse personal abuse as only an ill-conditionedman could pour out.
You will hardly be so foolish as to let the peevish animosity of an ill-conditionedman prejudice your prospects even after his death.
First Privilege.-The Advocate pleads a price paid.-Of a rich brother and his poor brethren.-Of the ill-conditionedman, their enemy.-Further cleared by three considerations
Sixty deaf men hold their ears; sixty ill-conditionedmen hold their hearts.
If an earthly judge did that, we should call him-whathe would be-anill-conditionedman.