Landowners often fall foul of the regulations and levels of illegaldeforestation are high.
The government has taken steps to crack down on illegaldeforestation over the past year.
Most of the leather produced through illegaldeforestation enters the EU through Italy, the report said.
It is also key to meeting another goal in Brazil's U.N. climate plan: to eliminate illegaldeforestation by 2030.
It accuses those companies of harmful practices, including land seizures, violence against indigenous groups, illegaldeforestation, and the use of harmful pesticides.
Speaking on the sidelines of the week-long workshop in Salvador, Environment Minister Ricardo Salles defended the government's efforts to prevent illegaldeforestation.
Now controversial as the global appetite for the green hipster fruit is indirectly fuelling illegaldeforestation in Mexico and crime in New Zealand.
The couple had been leading the campaign against illegaldeforestation and the eviction of rural workers by a local farmer, José Rodrigues Moreira.
Last week, Brazil's government proposed global asset managers adopt protected areas in the Amazon rainforest to curb illegaldeforestation ahead of the burning season.
Brazil's government has stated a goal of eliminating illegaldeforestation, but enforcing the law in remote corners like Rio Pardo is far from easy.
But government officials say the effort has been hampered by illegaldeforestation from loggers and ranchers who want to make money from the land.
Around the world, drones are being used increasingly to gauge the health of forests, monitor illegaldeforestation, and even replant forests from the air.
He also maintains that clauses in the Paris Accord covering illegaldeforestation in Brazilian Amazon show that the agreement has sustainability built into it.
An aerial view shows illegaldeforestation close to the Amazonia National Park in Itaituba, state of Para, May 25, 2012.
Many towns have grown wealthy on the so-called "green gold" -which has also been blamed for a spate of illegaldeforestation in the country.
Illegaldeforestation is common in Indonesia, and especially in Central Kalimantan, where scores of palm oil and mining concessions overlap with protected forests.