The state of being imminent and liable to happen soon.
Examples for "imminence"
Examples for "imminence"
1He sighed with a full sense of the imminence of the inevitable.
2On the contrary, people refused to believe in the imminence of danger.
3There was in the air an imminence of incident, acid and barbed.
4But the very imminence of the danger restored to him his energy.
5The sound from whose imminence Bobby had shrunk rattled in his ears.
1Immediateness, imminency, hazardous urgency, swiftness, alarms, are written all over the book.
2The suddenness and imminency of the danger appeared to arouse all there was of life in Carlo Giuntotardi.
3Having barely escaped this danger, our attention was now directed to the dreadful imminency of another-thatof absolute starvation.
1Then the breathless impendency of the event swept his mind clear of details.
2Their eyes rested upon the mountainside they had just left-oppressedby some dark sense of tragic impendency.
Translations for imminentness