Ainda não temos significados para "incisive voice".
1This is Mr. Hickok, said the incisive voice over the wire.
2Finally the sharp, incisive voice of William Spantz broke through the babble, commanding silence.
3Herrick saw the mask slip, heard the keen, incisive voice.
4Lady Gertrude's incisive voice cut sharply across the pulsing excitement of the girl's thoughts.
5In a strident incisive voice he read from a paper on the desk before him:
6It was Le Brusquet's incisive voice that cut in.
7A clipped, incisive voice nothing like Harwich's effeminate parody said, What is going on, Miss Eliot?
8Or he might say: I hear a curious, sharp, incisive voice somewhere over there on my right.
9DuQuesne's cold, incisive voice broke the silence.
10But suddenly an incisive voice said:
11A somewhat sharp and incisive voice
12Then his incisive voice mellowed suddenly.
13A somewhat sharp and incisive voice speaking in French here struck in and prevented Graham's rejoinder: Quel joli dessin!
14And so, a smile of cynical unconcern returned to his lips and his answer was delivered in a cold, incisive voice.
15He believed it to be true, and for the moment at least his incisive voice and long forefinger carried with them conviction.
16At a word from Mr. Pulitzer the secretary began to read in a clear, incisive voice some historical work, novel or play.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Incisive voice ao longo do tempo
Incisive voice nas variantes da língua