Ainda não temos significados para "incline to stoutness".
1He threw back his shoulders- atrickcommon enough with strongly built men who incline to stoutness-nodded ,andleft him.
2He was of middle height, very dark, and inclining to stoutness.
3He was a tall, soldierly figure, inclining to stoutness.
4He was tall and inclining to stoutness, broad-shouldered, and with an easy carriage and a nonchalant air, which were not without their charm.
5His Eminence was a man about sixty years of age, hale and strong in appearance, but below the middle height and somewhat inclining to stoutness.
6As for their wives, Mrs. Joshua was a merry, brown-eyed little lady already inclining to stoutness, and Honora felt at home with her at once.