Ainda não temos significados para "increased by leaps".
1Meanwhile our bank balance increased by leaps and bounds, while our expenses remained minute.
2After 1620 the manufacture of white clay pipes in England increased by leaps and bounds.
3From the day of its announcement the traffic of the road increased by leaps and bounds.
4Foreign trade increased by leaps and bounds.
5The day dragged along, and when each succeeding minute brought no news of him my anxiety increased by leaps and bounds.
6And all this time the Imperial revenue increased by leaps and bounds, so that the introduction of the gold currency was effected without difficulty.
7In 1822 the production advanced to nearly 60,000 tons, and since that time has increased by leaps and bounds.
8They encouraged trade; and in the peace which was their best gift the well-being of the nation as a whole increased by leaps and bounds.
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