Ainda não temos significados para "indifferent tone".
1He stopped some distance away, and in a loud, indifferent tone, said:
2When I had finished, he said, with indifferent tone, but eager face-
3She hesitated a moment; then resumed in her former indifferent tone:
4But it was in an almost indifferent tone that she inquired:
5M. Plantat had already turned his head, and continued in an indifferent tone:
6He knew that it was best to assume a careless and indifferent tone.
7She spoke in an indifferent tone, but George imagined that she was interested.
8That's the lot of all men, observed the mate in an indifferent tone.
9Nicholas understood that it was all over; but he said in an indifferent tone:
10The Dominican went on in a still more indifferent tone.
11Perhaps six hundred dollars, said Pettigrew in an indifferent tone.
12Presently, Leslie Cunningham hazarded a direct question about Erica in a would-be indifferent tone.
13Though furious inside, Josef came up with an indifferent tone.
14Her level, indifferent tone seemed to him almost abnormally callous.
15In an indifferent tone Worth replied: "Don't know anybody of that name."
16Lewisham-wasn'tit? said Miss Heydinger in a perfectly indifferent tone.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Indifferent tone ao longo do tempo
Indifferent tone nas variantes da língua