Prime Minister Julia Gillard told reporters federal and state governments were working together to tackle the high rate of indigenousincarceration.
Meanwhile, the government is poised to present more ambitious targets on reducing indigenousincarceration, in response to mass protests at the weekend.
On Thursday, federal Attorney-General George Brandis announced an Australia-wide inquiry to examine the "national tragedy" of persistently high indigenousincarceration rates.
But the protests are also a show of support to the Aboriginal community to highlight high levels of indigenousincarceration and deaths in custody.
The Australian protests are also a show of support to the Aboriginal community to highlight high levels of indigenousincarceration and deaths in custody.
They discussed Indigenousincarceration, black deaths in custody.
Sophie Trevitt, executive officer at the Indigenousincarceration advocacy Change the Record, said comprehensive research in Australia and abroad proved the controversial concept was ineffective.