In this model of low base line rolling, exposure of the mesentery to the chemotactic agent platelet-activating factor did not induceleukocyte rolling or adhesion.
Previously, we have shown that IFN alpha inducedleukocyte entrapment in retinal microcirculation.
Results: Interferon alpha inducedleukocyte entrapment in retinal microcirculation and increased leukocyte adherence to the vessel walls.
An anti-P-selectin Ab but not an anti-CD18 Ab reversed the histamine- inducedleukocyte rolling in a dose-dependent fashion.
This study demonstrates for the first time that histamine inducesleukocyte rolling via a P-selectin-dependent mechanism in vivo.
Identifying tumor- inducedleukocyte subsets and their derived circulating factors has been instrumental in understanding cancer as a systemic disease.
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that simvastatin interferes with exotoxin- inducedleukocyte-endothelial cell interactions, which may be relevant in various infectious diseases.
It also demonstrates that CD18 is required for chemokine- inducedleukocyte transendothelial migration, independent of its known role in mediating firm adhesion.
The objective of this study was to systematically assess the molecular mechanisms and kinetics of histamine- inducedleukocyte rolling in rat mesenteric venules using intravital microscopy.
A complicating factor in these studies is surgical preparation- inducedleukocyte rolling (spontaneous rolling), which leads to a lack of effect of histamine on this parameter.