Disease caused by infection of pathogenic biological agents in a host organism.
Examples for "infection"
Examples for "infection"
1Objective: Determine risk factors for heterosexually transmitted HIV infection among African Americans.
2Western Australia reported one new infection, the first confirmed case since Wednesday.
3Public health staff worked with the facility to improve infection control procedures.
4Taking effective preventive measures is particularly important for control of HFMD infection.
5Purpose: To report a case of late stent-graft infection with aortoenteric fistula.
1It takes an American idiom and id to properly troll the electorate.
2His pioneering work introduced the concepts of the id, ego and superego.
3I want to see if there's an id on the missing victim.
4Carmack was comparing the new Doom to id's other upcoming title Rage.
5But Milosh was in power, id did not mean to relinquish it.
1They tackle major infectious diseases, neglected tropical diseases and other health challenges.
2An epidemic of infectious diseases brought great psychological pressure to the public.
3Rationale: Several studies have demonstrated links between infectious diseases and cardiovascular conditions.
4Bovine abortion of unknown infectious etiology still remains a major economic problem.
5Background: Internet-based surveillance systems provide a novel approach to monitoring infectious diseases.
1Some people use it whenever possible; some avoid it as a pestilence.
2War and pestilence are intimately associated in the mind of the Babylonians.
3It is now the year 1665; is not the pestilence in London?
4There are worse things than pestilence in the wilderness, the woman replied.
5No great external calamity has visited the nation; no pestilence or famine.
1Malaria is an infectious disease responsible for approximately one million deaths annually.
2In emerging infectious disease outbreaks, the most serious cases are identified first.
3In addition, addressing potential complexities involving diabetes patients with infectious disease co-morbidities.
4An infectious disease physician, he was a natural choice for two reasons.
5So, yes, I'm focused on Alzheimer's research as well as infectious disease.
1Meantime an infectious disorder spread fast among them, and several of the bondsmen died one after the other.
2Those who landed at Naples brought with them an infectious disorder, contracted by long confinement in small, crowded, and ill-provided vessels.
3You are too prone to let your feelings run away with you, and that is the most infectious disorder that I know.
4People withdrew prudently from those suffering from infectious disorders, who were left to their unhappy fate.
5I have somewhere heard that persons were less apt to catch infectious disorders at that time than any other, and I believe it.
1He was beginning to believe that Roland's illness was a communicable disease.
2Its not a communicable disease, she cannot give it to anyone.
3Non communicable disease is claiming seven out of 10 lives.
4This is a communicable disease disaster in the making.
5The data was sourced from the communicable disease surveillance system, and central public health laboratory results.
1Oh college-thosehalcyon days of young love, bong hits, and communicable diseases.
2Non- communicable diseases account for half of hospital admissions in Kenya, the government says.
3Invasive pneumococcal and influenza diseases have been major vaccine-available communicable diseases.
4No comprehensive audit standards for outbreaks of communicable diseases were found.
5This is one of the most infectious and easily communicable diseases.
1They tackle major infectious diseases, neglected tropical diseases and other health challenges.
2An epidemic of infectious diseases brought great psychological pressure to the public.
3Rationale: Several studies have demonstrated links between infectious diseases and cardiovascular conditions.
4Background: Internet-based surveillance systems provide a novel approach to monitoring infectious diseases.
5Prompt treatment of infectious diseases plays an important role in infection control.
1The rate of clinical infection in these men was no different than in unvaccinated controls.
2Additionally, naïve bats inoculated with the LnV demonstrated the lowest clinical infection rate of all groups.
3Two-fifths of patients with CRKP had clinical infection and 38% died during the current hospitalization.
4These widespread brain abnormalities were found in both newborns with positive-culture infection and in those with clinical infection.
5Some sources are recognizable and correctable, such as vascular access type, clinical infection, and water quality, and some are not.
Translations for infectious diseases and manifestations