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Significados de informal gatherings em inglês
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Uso de informal gatherings em inglês
Such informalgatherings go back even farther, particularly among African-American communities, Thompson said.
We frequently met at the informalgatherings in the salon of the Countess Luise.
These were quite informalgatherings, only Chaddites being present.
Tells about how Eaton's informalgatherings of scientists evolved into the yearly Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.
When asked if it was appropriate for him to have contact with survivors during informalgatherings, he declined to comment.
Avoid expensive dinner parties and substitute informalgatherings where both the preparation and the cost of food will be slight.
She was fond of entertaining, and gave many little informalgatherings, which were memorable from the grace and charm of the hostess.
The word simply suggests habitual and informalgatherings of men and women of intelligence and good breeding in the drawing-room, for conversation and amusement.
The great critics did not disdain to attend these informalgatherings, nor to write columns of serious criticism on the subject in their papers.
Host any form of formal or informalgatherings Don't try and get smart by "inviting" your friends to a conference or business event.
Slowly, SXSW Interactive is becoming more like the informalgatherings at Barcamp, where all attendees are assumed to be experts in one thing or another.