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Significados de injured by stones em inglês
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Uso de injured by stones em inglês
The remaining seven were injuredbystones hurled by demonstrators, he added.
She said they were injuredbystones and bottles thrown by left-wing anarchists.
A police spokesman said they intervened after nine policemen were injuredbystones and slingshots.
Thirteen demonstrators were arrested and four officers were lightly injuredbystones, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.
Richard's sword arm was injuredbystones, and the sprained muscles were not thoroughly cured for two years afterwards.
The Post Courier says according to reports from villagers, two children were injuredbystones which rained down from the volcano.
One policeman was injuredbystones thrown by protesters and a handful of demonstrators were detained, television pictures broadcast live from the scene showed.