Ainda não temos significados para "inner prompting".
1It was that inner prompting which had forbidden me to say Mme.
2Perhaps the striking of the clock-perhapssome inner prompting-hadroused him.
3She stood her ground, obedient to an inner prompting that she dared not ignore.
4She felt the burning of his breath, and something;-anurgent, inner prompting-warnedher to submit.
5The inner prompting to pray for him returned.
6Urged by that imperative, inner prompting she turned and fled, not pausing for a moment's thought.
7But again Babbacombe took his cue from that inner prompting to which he had trusted all his life.
8Was it the wild, clanging cry that moved them, or was it solely the inner prompting then come to the surface?
9Only at last something, some inner prompting, stirred her, and as if at the touch of a hand that compelled, she raised her head.
10In this, as always, he was true to his own inner promptings.
11They are so bent on satisfying others that they suppress their own inner promptings.
12"My hand itches to reward you in accordance with the inner prompting of a full heart," replied the merchant, after a well-sustained pause.
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