Exercise also resulted in significant increases in plasma inorganicphosphorus, albumin, and lactate concentrations.
Blood Ca(2+) and plasma inorganicphosphorus did not change significantly with age.
In each case, a chemical compositional analysis was performed to determine calcium, cholesterol, total bilirubin, and inorganicphosphorus compositions.
The changes in vitamin D metabolism were accompanied by significant rises within the normal ranges in serum inorganicphosphorus and in urinary calcium.
Urine volume, urinary sodium excretion and fractional excretions of sodium and inorganicphosphorus were all increased in both normotensives and essential hypertensives after dopamine infusion.
The degree of demineralisation of softened enamel, in comparison the original mineral content, was 62% for calcium and 64% for inorganicphosphorus was calculated.