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Significados de installing more em inglês
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Uso de installing more em inglês
They will be installingmore testing equipment and offering new services.
And miners are constantly installingmore and faster computers.
They already slashed electricity use by two-thirds in one barn just by installingmore efficient lights.
Utilities can start by installingmore transformers, so more high voltage electricity can come down to residential levels.
Then they decided they liked the effect, started installingmore radiators and this then fed through to property prices.
The Dunedin City Council is installingmore mobility parks in the central city in response to concerns from disabilities groups.
He said installingmore slash traps in plantations and in rivers upstream could be easily done now to reduce the risk.
But instead of installingmore software, you can modify Windows 7 so that the Favorites menu becomes an XP-like Programs menu.
Slideshow (4 images) The attempt to save money through technology does not come down to just installingmore robots in factories.
Ms Perry said getting there would involve installingmore barriers to prevent head-on crashes and to separate those on foot and bikes from traffic.
The report says that Iran was steadily installingmore equipment, for enriching uranium, at a highly fortified site dug under a mountain at Fordow.
Instead, the report says, the government could concentrate on increasing capacity on existing lines through the removal of bottlenecks and installingmore advanced signalling systems.
Zimbra lets you answer email, schedule meetings, review documents, and update your contacts from nearly any desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser without installingmore software.
Iran is running more than 3,000 centrifuges used to enrich uranium and is installingmore every week, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday.
California's Ironwood prison is installingmore than 6,000 solar panels, and Boston's Fenway Park is tapping solar power for Red Sox baseball games.