Ainda não temos significados para "insure safety".
1Have you not said that a little time will insure safety and fortune?
2It is one which I have reflected on, and feel confident that it will insure safety.
3Every precaution is taken to insure safety.
4Moreover, to insure safety to the remains and security to the bearers, it must be done with secrecy.
5The length as to breadth to insure safety should be as eight to one, though many canoes are narrower.
6Eleeza Betooser wanted that treasure to insure safety for the children through whatever troubles might come to their propagandist father.
7A deep and broad foundation of sound opinions, believed in with the whole heart, can alone insure safety to the superstructure.
8All this protection was less perhaps to insure safety than to insure security of observation for these eyes of the guns.
9Every arrangement had been made to insure safety and speed, for crossing the Andes is something more than an ordinary journey.
10To insure safety against destroyer attack, the area would have to be much greater on account of the greater speed of destroyers.
11In fact, the journey is nearly always one of some hazard; it should not be undertaken save with many precautions to insure safety.
12Amidst such violent animosities, power alone could insure safety; and the power of one side was necessarily attended with danger to the other.
13To this enterprise he was prompted not only by a desire to vary his monotonous days, but to insure safety from possible foes.
14But this was a vain aspiration; for every precaution was taken to guard against fighting, and every leader slept with his driver to insure safety.
15Then I suddenly bethought myself of a precaution which I considered insured safety.
16It regulates vital action, insures safety and lessens the wear and tear of machinery.
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