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Significados de intramural hematoma em inglês
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Uso de intramural hematoma em inglês
Methods: We treated patients with type A intramuralhematoma as follows.
Pulmonary artery obstruction is a rare complication of intramuralhematoma of the ascending aorta.
The exclusion criteria included type A, asymptomatic acute or chronic TBAD, penetrating ulcer or intramuralhematoma.
The main advantage of these techniques is the direct visualization of the vessel wall confirming the intramuralhematoma.
The purpose of this study was to establish the optimal mode of management of type A intramuralhematoma.
Considering the MRI data, the likely pathogenetic mechanism was compression of the nerve root by the intramuralhematoma.
Nine patients had a transient increase of the intramuralhematoma volume, mainly up to day 10 after symptom onset.
Eight patients in the medical treatment group were switched to surgery during follow-up because of progression of intramuralhematoma.
It also improves the visualization of flow within the true and false lumen, of hypoechoic thrombi and of intramuralhematoma.
Other patients were treated medically, but patients with progression of intramuralhematoma during medical follow-up had their treatment converted to surgery.
Purpose: The purpose of this work was to assess useful CT findings for predicting the progression of aortic intramuralhematoma to aortic dissection.
We present a case of aortic intramuralhematoma (IMH) in an elderly woman who presented with sudden onset of mid-scapular pain.
There were few reported cases presenting with right heart failure due to compression of the pulmonary trunk by intramuralhematoma of the aorta.
At three-month follow-up, intramuralhematoma was no longer detectable in 80% of patients and had completely resolved in all patients after six-months.
From February 1992 to March 2001, a total of 33 patients with type A intramuralhematoma were treated as described here.
Intramuralhematoma was more frequent in type II AAD.