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Significados de investigated in vivo em inglês
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Uso de investigated in vivo em inglês
Tumor energy metabolism was investigatedinvivo by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
We investigatedinvivo changes of these proteins with neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Subcutaneous adipose tissue extracellular glucose was investigatedinvivo in man with a microdialysis technique.
The impact of sirolimus on immune reconstitution has not been comprehensively investigatedinvivo thus far, however.
Still, the potential of 5-Fu-PNA conjugate as a targeting agent for colorectal cancer needs to be further investigatedinvivo.
The functional relevance of the novel mutations was investigatedinvivo and in vitro, together with the previously reported p.H283Q variant.
The effect of progesterone (P) on pancreatic islet-cell proliferation and function of cyclic and pregnant rats was investigatedinvivo.
The effects of N-oxides, NO-releasing compounds and a nitrosating agent on FNR and FnrP activity were investigatedinvivo using the reporter system.
Tumor growth and metastatic phenotype were investigatedinvivo using a xenograft mouse model of CRC cells with modulated expression of PTK7 levels.
The series elastic stiffness (SES) of the human dorsiflexors was investigatedinvivo with the fast controlled release method in 8 subjects.
Despite the reported estrogen independence of the mollusc nuclear estrogen receptor (ER), its role in EC-induced toxicity has not been investigatedinvivo.