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Significados de invited leaders em inglês
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Uso de invited leaders em inglês
So we invitedleaders from villages in Valbona Valley to discuss how we can help them.
Scarborough praised the president for having invitedleaders of the steel unions to the White House.
Not one of the invitedleaders attended the event, not even the head of the host country, Zambian President Frederick Chiluba.
The rebound came after a report that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has invitedleaders of anti-government protesters and political parties to discu
Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen has not formally invitedleaders to the talks, currently due to be limited to environment ministers.
FIREWORKS Modi invitedleaders from across South Asia to his swearing-in ceremony, including Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from rival power Pakistan, an unprecedented gesture.