Ainda não temos significados para "iou".
1And then, says the artless Frenchman, still improving on his English, you should respond thus: "Bigod, sol drink iou agoud oin."
2Ireland has been trying to rejig the IOUs for over a year.
3You'd better start me an IOU column in that notebook of yours.
4It will also calculate everyone's share and keep track of any IOUs.
5So, there was a sort of IOU there for Alejandro González Iñárritu.
6What am I to do with your IOU's, you cunning, unscrupulous rogue?
7The investments in the IOUs were allowed by industry regulations, these people said.
8California last year temporarily issued IOUs during a lengthy budget stalemate.
9The IOUs can be for any period between one week and 12 months.
10These are bonds, a form of IOU issued by governments to borrow money.
11The Government borrows by selling IOUs promising to pay people money.
12Of course, there'd be a big IOU on my desk in the morning.
13As if she needed to be reminded of his banked IOU.
14The authors consider laparoscopic IOUS to be equivalent to ASVS in localizing insulinomas.
15Companies can pay each other with IOUs, as many do, but not forever.
16It looks like lots of IOUs were issued, pieces of paper.