Ainda não temos significados para "ironin".
1My wife does all the washing and ironin' she can get.
2I used to make thirty-five dollars a month washin' and ironin'.
3She wanted my Peter Hartman kiver for her ironin' board.
4She's out in the shed washin' and ironin' Geraldine's clothes.
5Joe's doin' the washin' to-day, and to-morrer is ironin' day.
6Biggest thing I have did is washin' and ironin'.
7She does fancy washin' an' ironin' for the swells.
8Most work I've done is washin' and ironin' since I been a full-grown, married woman.
9He did all the sweepin' and the washin' and the ironin' and most of the cookin'.
10When I can't fin' no cookin' and washin' and ironin' to do, I used to farm.
11Oh, I done washin' and ironin' mostly, cooked and most anything I could get to do.
12How's Ah a-goin' to git mah ironin' done when dere ain't no heat fo' de iron?
13I been raisin' up childern-'doptedchildern, washin', ironin', scourin', hoein', gatherin' corn, pickin' cotton, patchin', cookin'.
14The bigges' work I done- Iusedto be terrible 'bout cookin', washin' and ironin', and field work.
15Yes, honey, I know I was ironin' and it got so dark I had to light the lamp.
16I used to look forward to ironin' day just for the pleasure of pressin' his fancy shirts for him.